Nishida Tatsuo
Nishida Tatsuo (西田 龍雄?, born November 26, 1928 in Osaka) is a professor emeritus at Kyoto University.[1] His work encompasses research on a variety of Tibeto-Burman languages, he made great contributions in particular to the deciphering of the Tangut Language.[2]
Born in Osaka, Nishida graduated from the Kyoto University Faculty of Letters in 1951. In 1958 he became assistant professor at Kyoto University. In 1958 he was awarded the Japan Academy Prize. In 1962 he received his Ph.D for his study of Tangut characters. In 1992 he retired as a professor.[1] In 1994 he received the Asahi Award, and in 2005 the Kyoto Culture Prize for Lifetime Achievement.
- 1955- "Myzazedki 碑文における中古ビルマ語の研究 Myazedi hibu ni okeru chūko biruma go no kenkyū. Studies in the later ancient Burmese Language through Myazedi Inscriptions." 古代學 Kodaigaku Palaeologia 4.1:17-31 and 5.1: 22-40.
- 1955-58- 西夏大字刻文 Seika daiji kokubunn [The large Tangut inscription]. 居庸關 Kyoyōkan. 村田治郎 Murata Jiroo, ed. 14-44.
- 1957- 西夏語音再構成の方法 Seikago onsaikōsei hōhō [Methods for the phonetic reconstruction of the Tangut language.] 言語研究 Gengo Kenkyū 31: Pages? [The large Tangut inscription]. 居庸關 Kyoyōkan. 村田治郎 Murata Jirō, ed. Kyoto. 14-4
- 1958- 天理図書館所蔵西夏語文書について Tenri Toshokan shozō Seikago monjo ni tsuite On the collection of Tangut documents at the Tenri Library ビブリア Biblia 11: 13-20.
- 1958- (= 昭和 Shōwa 33). 西夏語の数詞について-その再構成と比較言語学的考察 Seikago no sushi nitsuite - Sono saikōsi to hikaku gengogakuteki kōsatsu. 石濱先生古稀記念東洋學論叢 Ishihama Sensei koki kinen Tōyō-gaku ronsō. Osaka: 石濱先生古稀記念會 Ishihama Sensei Koki Kinenkai. 83-131.
- 1960- Hsifan numerals from the Hsi-fan-kuan i-yu, text of the Asiatic Society, Paris (The numerals of the Hsi-hsia language, their reconstruction and comparative study). Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 19:146.
- 1964-66- *西夏語の研究 ― 西夏語の再構成と西夏文字の解読 Seikago no kengyu (Tangut studies). Tokyo: 座右宝刊行会 Zauho Kankokai [2 volumes].
- 1966- 生きている象形文字 モソ族の文化 中公新書
- 1967- 西夏文字 : その解読のプロセス Seikamonji: sono kaidoku no purosesu [The Tangut script: the process of its decipherment]. Tokyo: 紀伊国屋書店 Kinokuniya Shoten.
- 1970- 西番館訳語の研究 チベット言語学序説 松香堂
- 1972- 緬甸館訳語の研究: ビルマ言語学序説 Mendenkan yakugo no kenkyū : Biruma gengogaku josetsu / A Study of the Burmese-Chinese vocabulary, Mien-tien-kuan i-yu : an introduction to Burmese linguistics. Kyoto: 松香堂 Shōkadō.
- 1973- 多続訳語の研究 新言語トス語の構造と系統 松香堂
- 1975-76- 西夏文華嚴經 Seikabun Kegongyō (The Hsi-Hsia Avataṁsaka sūtra). Kyoto: 京都大學文學部 Kyōto Daigaku Bungakubu.
- 1976- "Hsihsia, Tosu and Lolo–Burmese languages." Onsei Kagaku Kenkyū (Studia Phonologica) 10: 1-15.
- 1979- (Matisoff, James A. trans.) The structure of the Hsi-hsia (Tangut) characters. (MSI 8). Tokyo: Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa.
- 1981- 西夏語韻図『五音切韻』の研究(上) A Study of the Hsihsia rhyme tables ‘Wu yin qie yun’ (五音切韻). 京都大學文學部研究紀要 Memoirs of the Department of Literature, Kyoto University 20: 147-
- 1982- アジアの未解読文字 その解読のはなし 大修館書店 1982 「アジア古代文字の解読」中公文庫
- 1984- 漢字文明圏の思考地図 東アジア諸国は漢字をいかに採り入れ、変容させたか PHP研究所
- 1986- “Seikago Yueyuele shi no kenkyū”西夏語”月月樂詩”の研究.
- 1987- "A study of the structure of Hsi-Hsia verb phrases." Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 45:1-24.
- 1989- 西夏文字の話: シルクロードの謎 Seika moji no hanashi: Shiruku rōdo no nazo. Tokyo: 大修館書店Taishūkan Shoten.
- 1997- 西夏王国の言語と文化 Seika Ōkoku no gengo to bunka [Language and Culture of the Tangut kingdom]. Tokyo: 岩波書店 Iwanami Shoten
- 2000- 東アジア諸言語の研究〈1〉京都大学学術出版会
- 2001- 生きている象形文字 五月書房
- 2007- 西夏語研究と法華経 1-4 東洋哲学研究所
Persondata |
Name |
Nishida, Tatsuo |
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Date of birth |
1928 |
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